全国服务热线 15075212345


发布时间: 2022-06-14 15:42 更新时间: 2025-01-22 20:30


Production and summary of cable duct moulds in the production of various moulds, the customization personnel will provide clear information about the moulds with the mould factory, or provide the drawings of the moulds. The steel plates of the moulds should be prepared first, and all the steel plates should be prepared, and then processed. For example, the steel plates of the moulds and welded reinforcing plates should be prepared, and then they should be made, and the corresponding machinery should be used to make them, All machines shall be prepared in advance and then fabricated. After they are fabricated, they shall be welded together. After they are welded together, they will be used for a very long time. It is also necessary to fabricate their shapes. They are generally applied to bending machines for construction, and then they shall be bent into corresponding shapes, and then all the holes of the molds shall be fabricated


  • 地址:清苑工业园区
  • 电话:15075212345
  • 联系人:高通
  • 手机:15075212345
  • 微信:15075212345
  • Email:729576224@qq.com